September 2022 Rig Move

Svendborg Wave ApS has delivered marine support with two of our high qualified Marine Representative on behalf of TotalEnergies Denmark during the rig move of “Crosseay Eagle” within the TYRA Field in the North Sea, Danish Sector. The expedition and job had a duration of approximately two weeks and we thank our business partners for…

August 2022 Rig Move

Svendborg Wave ApS has delivered marine support with two of our high qualified Marine Representative on behalf of TotalEnergies Denmark during the rig move of “Noble Sam Turner” from Halfdan to the Dagmar field in the North Sea, Danish Sector. The expedition and job had a duration of approximately one week and we thank our…

July 2022 DP Marine Support

Svendborg Wave ApS is proud to be involved in the historic redevelopment of the TYRA platforms in the Danish sector of the North Sea. For many decades the TYRA FIELD has been the major junction of the primary production and supply of oil and gas to the Danish energy consumers. The TYRA FIELD is now…

July 2022 Training & Education

Svendborg Wave ApS has entered into an agreement with Jan de Nul, Belgium, regarding development of specific Rack and Pinion Jacking education- and training courses for relevant personnel associated with Jan De Nul’s new building “VOLTAIRE“. The unit is currently under construction at Cosh shipyard in China.  

June 2022 DP Marine Support

During a marine mammals monitoring operation in the North Sea Svendborg Wave Aps has delivered high qualified DP marine support on board the standby-safety vessel “Esvagt Claudine” working on behalf of TotalEnergies Denmark. The expedition and job had a duration of approximately one week, and we thank our business partners for a well done job…

May 2022 DP Marine Support

During pipeline survey in the North Sea Svendborg Wave Aps has delivered high qualified DP marine support on board the DP2 multipurpose support vessel “Stril Explorer” working on behalf of TotalEnergies Denmark. The expedition and job had a duration of approximately two weeks, and we thank our business partners for a well done job to…

May 2022 Marine Support

During month of May 2022 Svendborg Wave Aps has delivered high qualified marine support on behalf of TotalEnergies Denmark in connection with the reconstruction of the TYRA platforms. The largest construction vessel in the world “PIONEERING SPIRIT” has been involved in several decommissioning operations at the TYRA FIELD. On board this huge catamaran crane- and…

April 2022 Marine Support

During month of April 2022 Svendborg Wave Aps has been delivering high qualified marine support on behalf of TotalEnergies Denmark in the process of reconstruction of the TYRA platforms. The world´s largest crane vessel “SLEIPNIR” has been involved in several lifting operations in connection with the decommissioning process at the TYRA FIELD and on board…

April 2022 Towing

Svendborg Wave ApS is proud to be involved in the historic redevelopment of the TYRA platforms in the Danish sector of the North Sea. For many decades the TYRA FIELD has been the major junction of the primary production and supply of oil and gas to the Danish energy consumers. The TYRA FIELD is now…

April 2022 Rig Move

  Svendborg Wave ApS has delivered marine support with two of our high qualified Marine Representative on behalf of TotalEnergies Denmark during the rig move of “Noble Sam Turner” from Halfdan A to Halfdan BA in the North Sea, Danish Sector. The expedition and job had a duration of approximately two weeks and we thank…